No more Stiff Lower Back Thanks to Pilates!

by Toni Benton
(Mill Valley, CA)

Prior to Pilates my lower back would easily get very stiff when doing any movement out of the norm. For example bending over to work in my flower beds, getting pots out of the lower kitchen cupboards, or any other normal related movement.

Pilates has strengthened my lower back and given me the mobility to move more freely. It has provided me with more range of motion without feeling any stress or pain in the process.

The Pilates exercises are easy and gentle on my body. I don't feel any soreness the next day from Pilates as I sometimes did with other exercise techniques.

With the increased circulation and body strength Pilates has given me, I feel a world of difference. I no longer have to slowly stretch my back out after being in a bent over position like I used to.

I simply feel better!! The additional benefits are that I feel stronger, healthier, and my posture has improved too!

I highly recommend Pilates exercise for good health in general and the Pilates Ebook available here is a great place to get started.

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Nov 25, 2008
There is hope!
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the review of how Pilates has helped you. It gives the rest of us hope.

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